Saturday dawned a stunning day with the first locos turning up at around 8. The new traverser worked a treat. Has no trouble moving John Heald’s Tamar II.
Having the option of multiple vehicles for unloading and two lines to move the engines to the turntable is going to make the convention (have you remembered to register yet?) traffic easier to manage. We also now can move the visiting ridecars to the new marshalling area so drivers can build a train just like full size. Also had Andrew from Auckland bring his very nice 4″ Burrell agriculture engine.
Quite neat seeing it along side the other 4″ Burrell road loco and showman. The single cylinder machine is much smaller. We had locos from all over the North Island and they all had a ball. Special time was had when Colin Batt and John Heald doubled their locos. Pulled 8 loaded ridecars without any problems.Even manged to herd cats, no that’s not right. Managed to get most of the locos and traction engines together for the group photo.
See the ‘Double Heading’ video below –